What’s the big deal with Pinterest?

January 20, 2012

Seriously. Why is EVERYBODY talking about Pinterest like it’s the greatest thing ever? The thought of sticking all kinds of random things onto a virtual bulletin board did not sound very organized to me when I first heard about this new internet phenomenom – I’ll be honest. So I had to check it out…

I requested an invite at approximately 8:30 a.m. CST on Wednesday, January 18th. I got an email reply thanking me for “joining the Pinterest waiting list,” and that “we’ll be sure to send you an invite soon.”

Um, ok. How soon? Is it just me, or does that sound like a blow-off?

Since I couldn’t create an account and start playing right away, I visited the site to see if I could learn more about how this thing is supposed to work. Apparently the concept revolves around using “boards” (think of a bulletin board or drawing board) to add collections of pinned items in an open forum with the goal of connecting “everyone in the world through the things they find interesting.” Pinning through a “Pin It” button that you add to your browser adds content with links to the original source – allowing for ethical content sharing no matter who pins or re-pins the content. People can set up multiple boards for varying interest areas, such as recipes, parenting tips, art projects and inspiration, wedding planning, and more.

The more I read about Pinterest on its website and in independent user reviews, the more I start to think that this could be a useful tool for Place for Everything to keep track of organizing, cleaning and home design projects, tips and ideas. And there’s an iphone app – so it seems like I could access my pins or search other people’s boards of stuff anytime I want…

So when do I get my access login?!? Why the delay?

Anybody else running into this virtual login-block? Leave a comment about your own experience with Pinterest…

1st floor photos

August 8, 2010

Okay, so I’ve been telling my mom for ages that I’m going to post more photos of the house and everybody else wants to know how the place is coming along.  So, here are some new photos of the first floor – and Dottie!

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